We've found 63 items under your selection of "Cancer continuum" . The most recent items are first.
The toolkit provides information on innovative, evidence-informed models of care, with examples of care models used in Canada and internationally
This scan looks at the need to improve coordination between cancer care and the primary and community care sectors and it also outlines seven educational approaches and resources that can help ease the transition into survivorship care
This scan looks at the challenges cancer survivors face as they transition back to their daily lives, including returning to work and it also outlines approaches used in Canada and internationally to improve survivorship care
Primary care providers may not see adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors often, but when they do, these two just-in-time tools have been developed to help providers connect their AYA patients to further resources and support
There are marked differences in lung cancer incidence and survival rates for people with lower income and people who live in rural or remote communities
Read our 2018 report that shines a light on the performance of Canada’s cancer system, showing what’s working and where improvements are needed
Read about emotional needs experienced by cancer survivors, as well as strategies for transition into primary and community care
Read about cancer care from the patient perspective, and learn about what patients and their families experience as patients live with and beyond cancer
Use stories and quotes from patients and survivors of cancer which highlight their experiences quitting smoking during cancer treatment
Review this 2014 report about the Métis cancer journey developed as a baseline for measuring future progress
Review this 2014 report about the Inuit cancer journey developed as a baseline to measure future progress
Read this 2014 report about disparities based on earnings, immigration status and where people live
Review this report from 2013 about the First Nations cancer journey as a baseline to measure future progress
Read this September 2012 report for key learnings about navigation from national activities in implementation and evaluation
Read this 2012 report to learn the steps and considerations for screening patients for distress
Learn about the cancer journey for each of the Inuit Nunangat regions, and promising, culturally responsive resources and services
Read this May 2012 report for the most recent advances in the field of survivorship to help implement care plans and projects
Review information about the challenges faced when a person with cancer returns to work during or after treatment
Read an environmental scan’s findings about practical resources and tools to help people with cancer and other chronic diseases return to work
Review this 2012 report for practices about ethnocultural identification and gaps in identifying First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cancer patients
Review this 2012 inventory for noteworthy and emerging practices that include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis identifiers in health databases
Review this report from 2011 about the First Nations, Inuit and Métis cancer journey, developed as a baseline to measure future progress
In this video, Geoff talks about being diagnosed with leukemia at 22 and then having to deal with its recurrence at age 25
In this video, Jennifer talks about her cancer journey with leukemia and shares her thoughts as a five-year survivor
In this video, Pert talks about being diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 73, coping with her emotions and knowing when to get support
In this video, Sara talks about being diagnosed with cancer at 22, her treatment and her approach to coping
In this video, Dr. Marla Shapiro talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer and how her profession often hampered her experience
In this video, Julie talks about dealing with Hodgkin's lymphoma and her relationships, as well as how she healed by learning to make soup
In this video, Karen talks about being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer six years ago, her treatment and treating it like a project
In this video, John talks about how he coped and what he learned
In this video, Nicole talks about being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 16 and how she coped with cancer as a teenager
In this video, Janet talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer at 40 years of age and where she is now, four years later
In this video, Gill talks about accepting her scar, talking with others about cancer, telling her kids, enjoying the moment and having epiphanies
In this video, Kelly talks about surviving cancer twice, as a child and then as a young adult
In this video, Laurie talks about having colorectal cancer as a young adult, how she coped and cancer’s effects on her fertility and her career
In this video, Bernie talks about caregiving for her husband, Lew, who was diagnosed with tongue cancer and driving him six hours for treatment
In this video, Sarah talks about being diagnosed with stage one breast cancer five years before and needing to depend on others
In this video, Anju talks about her shocking diagnosis even after having prophylactic hysterectomy to avoid ovarian cancer
In this video, Lew talks about being diagnosed with tongue cancer at 56 and having two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation
In this video, Amita talks about her breast cancer diagnosis, her reaction, how she shared the news and her fear of recurrence
In this video, Ashleigh talks about when her husband, Doug, was diagnosed with a brain tumour three years ago when they were dating
In this video, Alan talks about his diagnosis with lymphoma and rectal cancer, his treatment and the importance of community support
In this video, Lillian talks about her diagnosis with breast cancer and why she chose traditional medicines instead of chemotherapy and radiation
In this video, Beatrice talks in Inuinnaqtun about the emotions she felt when diagnosed with breast cancer and gives advice about medical appointments.
In this video, Beatrice talks in English about the emotions she felt when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and gives advice about medical appointments
In this video, Pascal talks about being diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 27, and then facing cancer again in his lymph nodes a year later
In this video, Veronica speaks in Inuktitut about travelling over 1000 miles for breast-cancer treatment and how cancer has changed her
In this video, Veronica speaks in English about travelling over 1000 miles for breast cancer treatment and how cancer has changed her
In this video, Tina talks about trying to find support during her breast-cancer treatment and her reactions to her body’s changes
In this video, Gloria talks about treatment for her breast cancer and her mother’s reaction to both the diagnosis and treatment
In this video, Sandra talks about how breast cancer has affected her family
In this video, Doug B. talks about being diagnosed with brain cancer, but then the gift of having his diagnosis upgraded from stage 4 to stage 1
In this video, Tracy talks about her breast cancer diagnosis and telling her family and friends about it
In this video, Deborah talks about having breast cancer at age 30, then again at age 35 and when it metastasized to her collarbone at age 44
In this video, Mark talks about being diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 38 and within a month, being treated for his cancer
In this video, Renée talks about being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s follicular lymphoma at the age of 32 and dealing with recurrence
In this video, Gaétanne talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago and after, only seeing the sky as the limit
In this video, Lindsay talks about being diagnosed with leukemia at 29, and she discusses her treatment and finding her balance
In this video, Jen talks about dealing with a rare form of ovarian cancer as a young adult, needing to rely on her mom and returning to work
In this video, Frédérique talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 28 and how it changed her
In this video, Ieva talks about caregiving for her husband who was diagnosed with aggressive bladder cancer about a year ago
Learn about current tools, knowledge and resources to promote equitable policies and practices for cancer care in this 2009 report
In this foundational report from 2009, learn about the Partnership’s work in advancing cancer control with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis
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