Microsoft Consulting Services

In 2018/19, the Partnership kicked off an initiative to create reporting tools (dashboards) that are being used to report program and project outcomes to a variety of internal and external audiences, using two (2) key dashboards:

  1. The Partnership Dashboard: The Partnership Dashboard (Board of Directors View) aims to demonstrate impact and the progress the Partnership is tracking towards achieving the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control. It illustrates the work the Partnership is undertaking to achieve its goals, why it’s important and the indicators that show its progress.
  2. The Operating Plan Dashboard: The Operating Plan Dashboard (for internal use) provides integrated reporting on all projects, services, and associated project risks. It is a key planning tool that tells the ‘how’ in our story of the work we do at the Partnership to achieve short-term priorities and long-term outcomes.

As the Partnership is in the final stages of developing an ambitious new 5-year business plan to support the newly refreshed Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, we have the perfect opportunity to refresh the reporting tools, and to continuously improve in the way we organize and maintain our organizational data, and to improve efficiency in processes and systems involved to best support the 2029 Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control:

  1. to support the reporting requirements for the new 5-year business plan and beyond by creating new report view(s) or updating/removing existing view(s)
  2. to align the organizational data being utilized within the reporting tools
  3. to simplify and streamline the process of collecting and maintaining data
  4. to increase the reporting tool usage
  5. to improve processes and systems efficiency

The Partnership requires a range of Microsoft Consulting Services (“Services”), to support various reporting and process improvement projects over its next business cycle. To facilitate this, the Partnership is looking to enter a Supply Arrangement (“SA”) with qualified vendors (“Proponents”) to provide Services up to March 31st, 2027, for the initial term with option to extend as stated below.

The Partnership is seeking submissions (“Proposals”) from companies with established capabilities and a proven track record in translating business requirements into technical solutions for data management and business intelligence projects, leveraging the following Microsoft ecosystem technologies:

  1. Configuration of Microsoft Project Online to support data collection and maintenance
  2. Development of dashboards and interactive visual reports using Microsoft Power BI
  3. Development of workflows using Microsoft Automate to streamline business processes
  4. Design and development of database using Microsoft Azure SQL Database to facilitate data transformation, loading and maintenance
  5. Development of custom applications using Microsoft Power Apps to support data collection and maintenance
  6. Develop integrated processes and dynamic reporting using analytics and other data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications.

The Partnership is seeking to pre-qualify experienced consulting professional(s) who are well-versed in strategic thinking, current and future trends influencing data, Microsoft technology solutions, software, including data analysis/visualization software, technology platforms geared towards non-profits and healthcare organizations, and who is familiar with common challenges that non-profits experience in this area.

**Proponents should reference this RFSQ number (RFSQ No. SQ220-2021-01) in the subject line of their correspondence.**


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Bid Details

RFSQ # SQ220-2021-01


Awarded to Envision IT, Gravity Union, Optimus Information, CRM Dynamics and Newcomp Analytics

Proposal Submission Deadline:

Monday, October 18, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021 no later than 5PM ET (local Toronto time)
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 no later than 3:00pm ET (Toronto Local Time)
Week of November 29, 2021

Proponents Enquires e-mail: