Literature searches and evidence synthesis services

The Partnership requires the provision of services that fall within the categories of literature searches and evidence syntheses. The purpose of engaging in an RFSQ with potential Proponents is to minimize submission requirements for prequalified Proponents when a need arises, so that the Proponent can respond as quickly as possible and the Partnership can expedite the contract process accordingly.

As a result of this process, the Partnership will authorize Supply Arrangements (SAs).  These SAs do not constitute an agreement/contract.  An agreement will be created when the Partnership engages in a second phase with the prequalified Proponents, and a Proponent is selected, as being successful When a need arises, for work specified in this RFSQ, the second phase will begin.  The scope of each request and deadline for completion will be mutually agreed upon in advance by both the Partnership and the successful Proponent(s).

The Partnership is looking to enter into SAs with qualified Proponents to provide services on an as needed basis, until March 31, 2020, less a day, with an option to extend and/or renew for two (2) additional, two (2) year terms at the Partnership’s discretion.  The range of services potentially required during this period could include:

  1. Search strategies
  2. Literature searches (raw search results including abstracts and links to full text articles where possible)
  3. Environmental scans
  4. Scoping reviews
  5. Rapid reviews/evidence summaries
  6. Systematic reviews

Proponents should reference this RFSQ  number (SQ 331-2017-01) in the subject line of their correspondence.

*Responses to proponents’ enquiries will be provided as enquiries are submitted. Additionally, questions and responses will also be posted on MERX, Biddingo and

Other Information


Bid Details

RFSQ No. SQ 331-2017-01


Awarded to Research Power Inc., Risk Sciences International, Centre of Effective Practice, McMaster Health Forum, University of Waterloo – Propel and Social Research Demonstration Corporation

Issue date

July 6, 2017

Proposal Submission Deadline:

Deadline for Proponent Enquiries: Wednesday. August 9, 2017 no later than 5:00 p.m. ET (Toronto local time)
Deadline for issuing addenda & responses to proponent enquiries: Friday, August 11, 2017
Proposal submission deadline: Thursday, August 17, 2017, no later than 3:00 p.m. ET (Toronto Local Time)

Proponents Enquires e-mail: