OncoSim fact sheets

These fact sheets are summaries of the OncoSim models that describe how the models work and what capabilities they have


OncoSim simulates large, representative samples of the Canadian population, one individual at a time, from birth to death. The model aggregates the projected outcomes at the provincial/territorial and national level.

OncoSim has five modules:

  • one that provides high-level projections for 25 cancers (OncoSim-All Cancers)
  • four modules that simulates four cancer sites (breastcervicalcolorectal and lung) and related screening programs in detail


OncoSim-All Cancers

The OncoSim-All Cancers Model projects the incidence, deaths and healthcare costs of 25 cancers in Canada and attributes them to various risk factors.

Projected future cancer incidence and deaths are shown in interactive visualizations

See examples of work that used OncoSim-All Cancers.

OncoSim-All Cancers

File size 84 KB


icon breastOncoSim-Breast

OncoSim-Breast is a mathematical simulation tool for breast cancer, modelling the cancer’s natural history and progression. The model reflects disease progression and clinical treatments based on current knowledge and evidence-based Canadian practices.

Using OncoSim-Breast, users can estimate the economic burden of breast cancer and the impact of interventions on breast cancer-related outcomes. For example, users will be able to:

  • Compare breast cancer screening strategies
  • Vary screening age, intervals and follow-up protocols
  • Assess quality improvement initiatives related to breast cancer screening

Access resources that used OncoSim for breast cancer analyses.


File size 5 MB



OncoSim-Cervical is a mathematical simulation tool for cervical cancer. The model reflects cervical cancer’s progression and clinical treatments based on current knowledge and evidence-based Canadian practices.

Using OncoSim-Cervical, users can estimate the economic burden of cervical cancer and the impact of interventions on cervical cancer-related outcomes. For examples user will be able to:

  • Evaluate the impact of different cervical cancer screening (e.g. Pap vs HPV testing)
  • Vary age and screening intervals
  • Compare varying HPV vaccination strategies using quadrivalent and the nonavalent vaccine

Access resources that used OncoSim for cervical cancer analyses.


File size 6 MB


icon colorectalOncoSim-Colorectal

OncoSim-Colorectal is a mathematical simulation tool for colorectal cancer, modelling the cancer’s and adenomas’ natural history and progression. The model reflects disease progression and clinical treatments based on current knowledge and evidence-based Canadian practices.

Using OncoSim-Colorectal, users can evaluate the effects of interventions to reduce colorectal cancer’s impact, such as screening programs, quality initiatives and new treatments. For example, users will be able to:

  • Compare and assess the impact of different screening methods (fecal tests, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy)
  • Vary age and screening intervals
  • Assess how screening can vary with family history

Access resources that used OncoSim for colorectal cancer analyses.


File size 5 MB


icon lungOncoSim-Lung

OncoSim-Lung is a mathematical simulation tool for lung cancer. The model reflects lung cancer’s progression and clinical treatments based on current knowledge and evidence-based Canadian practices.

Using OncoSim-Lung, users can estimate the economic burden of lung cancer and the impact of interventions on lung cancer-related outcomes. For example, users will be able to:

  • Assess the impact of smoking cessation programs
  • Evaluate lung cancer screening strategies and new lung cancer treatment options
  • Assess interventions to reduce radon exposure

Access resources that used OncoSim for lung cancer analyses.


File size 6 MB