Partnership launches new webinar series: Policy actions to prevent cancer

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer has launched a webinar series called “Policy actions to prevent cancer.” These webinars provide evidence and resources to inform policy action for the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Policy actions to improve HPV immunization rates

needleThe first webinar “Policy actions to improve HPV immunization rates” was held on June 8, 2021 and had over 60 people in attendance.

Dr. Jacob Shelley and Fayad El Sheikh covered:

  • evidence-informed policy actions to improve HPV vaccine uptake
  • the impact of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer incidence and mortality
  • the current state of HPV immunization programs and the impact of COVID-19
  • public opinion of HPV vaccination and advice for moving forward


Canada’s goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040 is ambitious – but it is achievable with the help of the right policies that will both boost vaccine confidence and reduce barriers to access.

-Dr. Craig Earle, Vice-President of Cancer Control at the Partnership

Learn more about HPV immunization

Policy actions to reduce alcohol-related harms

image icon for Policy actions to reduce alcohol-related harmsMore recently, over 30 people attended the second webinar of our series “Policy actions to reduce alcohol-related harms” on June 22, 2021.

Dr. Jacob Shelley, Dr. Heather Bryant and Benjamin Rempel covered:

  • evidence-informed policy actions to reduce alcohol-related cancers
  • the current alcohol policy landscape in Canada
  • the impact of COVID-19 on alcohol policies
  • public opinion of alcohol policy and advice for moving forward


Evidence shows that even moderate or low levels of alcohol consumption over time increases the risk of developing cancer.

A multi-sectoral, comprehensive and coordinated policy response would have a substantial impact in reducing alcohol consumption as well as the risk of cancer in Canada.

-Michelle Halligan, Director of Prevention at the Partnership

Learn more about alcohol policy