Partner endorsements
Read quotes from our partners supporting the elimination of cervical cancer in Canada by 2040
Here are some quotes from supporters across the country.
Canadian Cancer Society
We know that cervical cancer is the most preventable cancer in Canada with nearly all cervical cancer cases being due to HPV. In fact, the Canadian Cancer Society-funded Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer (ComPARe) study found that we could prevent about 5,300 cervical cancer cases by 2042 if more Canadian children were vaccinated against HPV.
Today we are presented with a unique opportunity to collaborate, and we know that by working together and focusing on the promotion of HPV vaccination and supporting cervical cancer screening programs, participants in today’s summit can help to reduce the number of future cervical cancer cases in Canada.
-Elizabeth Holmes, MPH, Manager, Health Policy at the Canadian Cancer Society.
Federation of Medical Women of Canada
The Federation of Medical Women of Canada is a proud partner of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and has heeded the call to help Canada engage in a path to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040. We are happy to participate in Elimination of Cervical Cancer Summit. This will be an important day to identify how we can all work together on the implementation of the Action Plan for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer in Canada.
Since 2017, the FMWC has led HPV Prevention Week to raise awareness amongst Canadians and policymakers of HPV-related cancers and the benefits of vaccination against HPV. We will continue our efforts and look forward to working with the broader partnership to achieve the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040.
-Clover Hemans, BScN, MD, MScQIPS, CCFP, FCFPC, President, Federation of Medical Women of Canada
-Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP, Chair, HPV Prevention Week and Prevention & Awareness Program, Federation of Medical Women of Canada
Immunize Canada
Cervical cancer was the second most common cancer in Canadian women after breast cancer, but routine HPV immunization and screening programs have greatly contributed to the decline in incidence of this disease. Canada can be among the first countries in the world to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 with the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control.
To eliminate cervical cancer, we need to improve HPV vaccination coverage among Canadian children by age 17. HPV immunization is a safe and effective public health measure for reducing the spread of HPV, and one of the best things we can do for women’s health is to boost immunization rates to ensure the next generation of Canadian women are cervical cancer-free.
-Anne Pham-Huy, MD, Chair, Immunize Canada
HPV Awareness
For Canada to achieve 90% vaccination, 90% screening and 90% treatment, a firm government commitment and overt endorsement in concert with non for profit organizations (NGO’s), and public and private sector stakeholders will be imperative.
To reach the WHO’s objective of cervical cancer elimination, messaging around the elimination of cervical cancer needs to be clear, cohesive and tailored. Further to this, databases linking vaccine and screening, and invitation letters for screening, as well as a rapid investment in a Canada-wide HPV testing capacity will be critical. We have the science and we have the tools, including strategies for communities and involvement of advocacy organizations such as HPV Awareness. We need commitments from all stakeholders now!
-Dr. Marc Steben, Co-President, HPV Awareness
Public Health Physicians of Canada
Robust immunization and screening programs are important public health interventions. National and international goals, such as the targets set by the WHO’s call to action to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040, can help us rapidly improve cervical cancer prevention, screening and treatment. We are excited by this work, including the role of HPV vaccination in preventing cancer. We will not achieve these goals however without considering the inequities in our system and adopting concerted efforts to work with underserved populations in Canada. The Public Health Physicians of Canada strongly supports the action plan to eliminate cervical cancer and its priority to increase the equity of cancer care in Canada.
-Public Health Physicians of Canada Executive