We've found 34 items under your selection of "Population characteristics" . The most recent items are first.
First Nations, Inuit and Métis approaches to palliative and end-of-life care in Canada
The inclusion of competencies specific to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis in this framework reflects Canada’s commitment to reconciliation and the critical importance of cultural safety for the provision of high-quality palliative care
Given that First Nations, Inuit and Métis are more likely to have lower incomes and live in rural or remote communities, they likely make up a disproportionately high share of the population described in this report
Learn about Peoples-specific priorities and actions to address specific inequities experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis
Review results about Canadian smoking cessation approaches developed by, with or for First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations, now with data from 2018 to 2019
Learn more about the BETTER program for preventing cancer and chronic diseases through an interview with Dr. Eva Grunfeld, a video and a pamphlet
In this 2017 report, learn about the participation of Indigenous communities in seven CLASP projects (Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention) for preventing cancer and chronic diseases
Learn about the distances and times many Inuit need to travel to receive cancer care
Review this 2014 report about the Métis cancer journey developed as a baseline for measuring future progress
Review this 2014 report about the Inuit cancer journey developed as a baseline to measure future progress
Read Dr. Corriveau’s interview about cancer control in the north and the cancer control strategy for the Northwest Territories
Review this report from 2013 about the First Nations cancer journey as a baseline to measure future progress
Learn about the cancer journey for First Nations peoples living off-reserve and relevant, international models and practices in this 2013 report
Learn about the cancer journey for each of the Inuit Nunangat regions, and promising, culturally responsive resources and services
This report examines pathways and leading models of cancer care in rural, remote and isolated First Nations communities
Review this 2012 report for practices about ethnocultural identification and gaps in identifying First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cancer patients
Review this 2012 inventory for noteworthy and emerging practices that include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis identifiers in health databases
Review this report from 2011 about the First Nations, Inuit and Métis cancer journey, developed as a baseline to measure future progress
In this video, a mother and daughter talk about caring for the father during his lung and brain cancer
In this video, Fred talks about supporting both his wife and daughter during cancer
In this video, Jeff talks about supporting his sister, Jean, after her diagnosis of colorectal cancer
In this video, Alan talks about his diagnosis with lymphoma and rectal cancer, his treatment and the importance of community support
In this video, Lillian talks about her diagnosis with breast cancer and why she chose traditional medicines instead of chemotherapy and radiation
In this video, Beatrice talks in Inuinnaqtun about the emotions she felt when diagnosed with breast cancer and gives advice about medical appointments.
In this video, Beatrice talks in English about the emotions she felt when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and gives advice about medical appointments
Donna had breast cancer that spread to her lungs. In this video, she talks about turning to traditional beliefs and ceremonies
In this video, Veronica speaks in Inuktitut about travelling over 1000 miles for breast-cancer treatment and how cancer has changed her
In this video, Veronica speaks in English about travelling over 1000 miles for breast cancer treatment and how cancer has changed her
In this video, Tina talks about trying to find support during her breast-cancer treatment and her reactions to her body’s changes
In this video, Gloria talks about treatment for her breast cancer and her mother’s reaction to both the diagnosis and treatment
In this video, Sandra talks about how breast cancer has affected her family
In this video, Tracy talks about her breast cancer diagnosis and telling her family and friends about it
Learn about the issues around access to cancer screening for First Nations and ways to improve access in this 2009 report
In this foundational report from 2009, learn about the Partnership’s work in advancing cancer control with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis
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