We've found 17 items under your selection of "Population characteristics" . The most recent items are first.
Learn about the coverage of and eligibility for publicly funded HPV vaccines in each province and territory.
Read recommendations on how to improve access to fertility information, supports and services for adolescents and young people with cancer
Primary care providers may not see adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors often, but when they do, these two just-in-time tools have been developed to help providers connect their AYA patients to further resources and support
This national vision of comprehensive care and support for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer as well as survivors will lead to improved outcomes and better quality of life
Learn more about the unique aspects of caring for young people with cancer as well as the Partnership’s related work
Read our 2017 report on the unique challenges faced by young Canadians who have cancer
In this video, Geoff talks about being diagnosed with leukemia at 22 and then having to deal with its recurrence at age 25
In this video, Sara talks about being diagnosed with cancer at 22, her treatment and her approach to coping
In this video, Julie talks about dealing with Hodgkin's lymphoma and her relationships, as well as how she healed by learning to make soup
In this video, Nicole talks about being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 16 and how she coped with cancer as a teenager
In this video, Kelly talks about surviving cancer twice, as a child and then as a young adult
In this video, Laurie talks about having colorectal cancer as a young adult, how she coped and cancer’s effects on her fertility and her career
In this video, Pascal talks about being diagnosed with testicular cancer at age 27, and then facing cancer again in his lymph nodes a year later
In this video, Lindsay talks about being diagnosed with leukemia at 29, and she discusses her treatment and finding her balance
In this video, Jen talks about dealing with a rare form of ovarian cancer as a young adult, needing to rely on her mom and returning to work
In this video, Linda M. talks about caring for her mom during the last year of her life and how emotionally difficult that was to do as a teenager
In this video, Frédérique talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 28 and how it changed her
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